za kolko zacina Ibuprofen/Paralen a pod. ucinkovat


nedavala som si nic, lebo v podstate ani neviem, co na to mozem a co je take vhodne. je to lepsie ako ked som to tu pisala, ale stale citim, ze to nie je uplne 100% ok. ale je to uplne divne, lebo taketo pocity nemavam ani ked som velmi chore. a tera mi okrem tohto absolutne nic ine nebolo.


uz asi tyzden ma boli v krku, ale nic ine mi nie je. normalne viem fungovat, len na dotyk to mam take citlive, stretli ste sa s tym uz?


Môže to mať rôzne dôvody, ak si prešla aj do inej práce napríklad, že sa ti zmenili podmienky, mne sa toto stalo, v predchádzajúcej robote som bola vystavená neustálemu chladu, zmenia som prácu, kde som v teple a teraz som vkuse chorá :D


no ja netvrdim, ze je to tym, ze clovek starne, len hovorim, ze cim som starsia, tym castejsie to proste mam :D ale zakazdym si dam Brufen a prejde mi to rychlo, takze asponze tak. nemam to rada, lebo ked mna boli hrdlo, tak nemozem ani jest, pit, prehltat, proste katastrofa.


stanienka a cim si myslis, ze je to sposobene? lebo toto podla mna s vekom nema nic. moja mamina ma 60 a cely zivot je a aj bola zdrava jak rybicka.


Pharmacy and location-specific factors can affect the cost of Aspirin and Paralen. Typically, a bottle of 100 tablets of over-the-counter aspirin costs between $5 and $10; generic versions are frequently less expensive. The painkiller brands like Paralen may also cost about the same; the same amount usually costs between $3 and $8.


Pharmacy and location-specific factors can affect the cost of Aspirin and Paralen. Typically, a bottle of 100 tablets of over-the-counter aspirin costs between $5 and $10; generic versions are frequently less expensive. The painkiller brands like Paralen may also cost about the same; the same amount usually costs between $3 and $8.