Príspevok v téme: VITAMIN C - A DAVKOVANIE

Vitaminy a stopove prvky su velmi dolezite pre zdravy chod ludskeho organizmu v primeranych davkach (rad by som upozornil na slovo v primeranych), ktore si clovek zabezpeci ak ma dostatocny privod RACIONALNEJ VYZIVY

Vitamin C (kyselina askorbova) patri do skupiny vo vode rozpustnych, posilnuje imunitny system, pomaha pri vyvoji zubov, kosti, podporuje vstrebavanie zeleza, pomaha udrzat zdravu kozu

DENNA ODPORUCANA DAVKA JE pre dospelych 100mg a pre deti starsie ako 3 roky 45mg

Samozrejme ze davka sa moze aj zvysit podla potreby - horna hranica je 1000mg

HYPERVITAMINOZA sa prejavuje narusenym vstrebavanim medi a selenu, sposobuje zaludocne problemy ako hnacka, nafukovanie a u vnimavych jedincov aj oblickove kamene( najma u ludi ktori maju sklony k tvorbe oxalatovych kamenov), poruchy spanku, bolesti hlavy, velmi vysoke davky by sa nemali podavat tarchavym zenam

Na zaver by som rad povedal ze som sa umyselne zameral najma na vedlajsie ucinky, vzhladom na niekorych prispievatelov ktory uvadzaju davky az 80g - co je zatial cista hypoteza ktora sa zaklada na experimentovani a jej vysledky o uspesnosti(ak vobec budu) sa ukazu az v buducnosti
------------------ Vitamín C a megaskorbická liečba - zabudnutý poklad

Peto T

radca: Vidíš, s tými askorbátmi to bol dobrý príspevok. To si copypastol z LPI?

Tak ako píšu. Srdcoví pacienti citliví na pohyb sodíka zvyknú mať obmedzenie na 2,5g sodíka denne, takže pre nich sú vhodnejšie iné minerálne askorbáty, nie sodíka. Používajú sa zmesi askorbátov (vápnika, horčíka,...)

Ale treba povedať, že vitamín C vo forme askorbátu sodného si aj tak väčšinu sodíka berie so sebou, keď odchádza močom, takže nejaké dlhodobé zvyšovanie hladiny sodíka by nemalo nastávať. Ale načo dráždiť, keď je plno iných možností...

Peto T

Raz som dostal virózu po⁠ veľkom vyčerpaní a strese (v nemocnici počas hospitalizácie syna). Túto virózu mala predtým celá rodina, aj syn, ale dlho som jej odolával, no v nemocnici ma dostihla. Teplota mi stúpla síce iba na⁠ 37,7 ale cítil som sa celkovo zle. 6g vitamínu C s⁠ citrónovým čajom (samozrejme stále dbám na⁠ tekutiny). Teplota síce hneď neprestala stúpať, do⁠ 2h ešte dosiahla 38, ale aj keď bola vyššia než predtým, napodiv som sa v⁠ tom čase už cítil omnoho lepšie! Keď nás bola kontrolovať sestrička a ja som jej v dobrej nálade oznámil, že mám 38C, neveriacky na mňa pozrela: "to vážne?"

Cca 4-5h od⁠ prvej dávky som si dal ďalších 5g a ľahol som si spať (bol už večer). Ráno som bol už OK, cítil som sa výborne a žiadna teplota sa už neopakovala.

Peto T

Meg: Ako už bolo spomenuté, pomer je približne 2:1 (kyselina askorbová, sóda v tomto poradí).

Účinnosť vitamínu C sa týmto nijako neovplyvní. Zlepší sa tolerancia tráviacej sústavy voči nemu, čo u niektorých ľudí znamená, že sú schopní stráviť väčšie dávky, než pri kyselin askorbovej.

Ak Ti môžem poradiť, daj si ešte zajtra aspoň 500mg s každým jedlom. Pre istotu.


• Mineral ascorbates: Mineral salts of ascorbic acid (mineral ascorbates) are buffered and therefore less acidic. Thus, mineral ascorbates are often recommended to people who experience gastrointestinal problems (abdominal pain or diarrhea) with plain ascorbic acid. There appears to be little scientific research to support or refute the claim that mineral ascorbates are less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. When mineral salts of ascorbic acid are taken, both the ascorbic acid and the mineral appear to be well-absorbed, so it is important to take into consideration the dose of the mineral accompanying the ascorbic acid when taking large doses of mineral ascorbates. For the following discussion, it should be noted that 1 gram = 1,000 milligrams (mg) and 1 milligram (mg) = 1,000 micrograms (mcg). Mineral ascorbates are available in the following forms:

tu je spominane, ze sa vsterebava dobre:

Sodium ascorbate: 1,000 mg of sodium ascorbate contains 889 mg of ascorbic acid and 111 mg of sodium (there are 125 mg of sodium per 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid in sodium ascorbate). Individuals following low-sodium diets (e.g., for high blood pressure) are generally advised to keep their total dietary sodium intake to less than 2,500 mg/day. Megadoses of sodium ascorbate could significantly increase sodium intake.

Calcium ascorbate: Pure calcium ascorbate provides 114 mg of calcium per 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid. Calcium in this form appears to be reasonably well absorbed. The recommended dietary calcium intake for adults is 1,000 to 1,200 mg/day. Total calcium intake should not exceed the tolerable upper intake level of 2,500 mg/day.

The following mineral ascorbates are more likely to be found in combination with other mineral ascorbates, as well as other minerals. It’s a good idea to check the labels of dietary supplements for the ascorbic acid dose as well as the dose of each mineral. Recommended dietary intakes and maximum upper levels of intake (when available) are listed after the individual mineral ascorbates below:

Potassium ascorbate: The minimal requirement for potassium is thought to be between 1.6 and 2.0 grams/day. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of potassium, so a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may provide as much as 8 to 11 grams/day. Acute and potentially fatal potassium toxicity (hyperkalemia) is thought to occur at a daily intake of about 18 grams of potassium/day in adults. Individuals on potassium-sparing diuretics and those with renal insufficiency (kidney failure) should avoid significant intake of potassium ascorbate. The purest form of commercially available potassium ascorbate contains 0.175 grams (175 mg) of potassium per gram of ascorbic acid.

Magnesium ascorbate: The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for magnesium is 400-420 mg/day for adult men and 310-320 mg/day for adult women. The maximum upper level of intake for magnesium from supplements is 350 mg/day.

Zinc ascorbate: The RDA for zinc is 11 mg/day for adult men and 8 mg/day for adult women. The upper intake level of zinc for adults is 40 mg/day.

Molybdenum ascorbate: The RDA for molybdenum is 45 micrograms (mcg)/day for adult men and women. The upper intake level of molybdenum for adults is 2,000 mcg (2 mg)/day.

Chromium ascorbate: The recommended dietary intake for chromium is 30-35 mcg/day for adult men and 20-25 mcg/day for adult women. An upper level of intake has not been determined by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board.

Manganese ascorbate: The recommended dietary intake for manganese is 2.3 mg/day for adult men and 1.8 mg/day for adult women. The upper level of intakefor manganese is 11 mg/day. Manganese ascorbate is found in some preparations of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Following the recommended dose on the label could result in a daily intake exceeding the upper intake level for manganese.