Na internete som nasiel zaujimavy clanok o udajnej skodlivosti amalganovych plomb na zdravie cloveka. Rozhodol som sa, ze si zostavajuce amalganove plomby dam postupne nahradit plombami bielymi. Urobili ste tak uz niekto? Ste s tym spokojni? Spozorovali ste nejake zdravotne zlepsenie? Kolko takychto plomb mate este vo svojej ustnej dutine?
Amalganove plomby, kolko ich este mate v ustach?
Ozvala sa odbornicka na Ameriku. Ako dlho si tu zila?
mirka 23 nemusis utocit. A ano, ked mas dobru zdravotnu poistku, mas aj vynikajucich lekarov (Telku nepozeram, takze len matne tusim, akymi filmami vas na SR krmia). Ja osobne pokial som zila na Slovensku som takych dobrych lekarov nemala. Nikdy v zivote som tam nemala odstraneny zubny kamen ani robeny rontgen zubov.
Pracujem pre giganticke laboratorium a mam pristup k vedeckym clankom, k inym, ako su pristupne na nete, mam info z prvej ruky.
Zase na druhu stranu v Emerike tvrdili, ze aj DDT je absolutne bezpecne, tak preto by som ako bernu mincu bral tento argument s rezervou :)
no super, akokeby každý vedel po anglicky :((
filuska, len neviem ako si prišla na to, kolko mám rokov. Ja viem čítať, viem že máš biele plomby, reagovala som na niečo iné. Pokojne daj celej svojej rodine do ust amalgan, veĎ KeD TO ROBIA V USA, TAK TO PREDSA MUSI BYť DOBRé, VEĎ LEKáRI V USA SU UPLNE INí AKO NA sLOVENSKU, sú to hrdinovia na čele s Dr. Housom a WHO, čo len zachraňujú ludí...Pretrieť oči by si si mala ty, ja som si pretrela pred niekoľkými rokmi a som šťastná a hlavne zdravá.
Are Amalgam Fillings Dangerous For The Health?
October 9, 2008
Amalgam or silver fillings are often employed by the dentists to fill cavities in the mouth. Some people are of the opinion that since dental amalgam fillings contain at least 50% mercury, they are dangerous for the health. They argue that mercury being highly toxic is hazardous to the health of a person. Furthermore, these fillings are not recommended to pregnant and lactating women due to danger of unexpected complications and deformities in the infant.
These doubts can be true if there is free mercury found in the silver fillings. However, we now know that this is not the case. Mercury in silver reacts with other metals and a completely new alloy is formed which gives rise to these dental fillings and hence they are not dangerous for the health. The FDA has also approved the use of mercury in dental fillings and there is really nothing to worry about in this regard. However, if you come across an advertisement on the internet or anywhere else for that purpose going against amalgam fillings, you can be falsely led to believe the worst. So, it’s important to gain some knowledge about the workings of dental fillings and why silver or amalgam fillings are prescribed by most dentists.
Dental fillings are prepared by mixing silver with mercury, copper, zinc and tin to form an alloy. This is a traditional method of filling cavities and is quite inexpensive. However, with the advancement in technology newer and more useful methods are now also available to dentists to give people a natural-looking and beautiful smile. Since these cosmetic procedures are somewhat costly, many people still like to opt for traditional amalgam fillings.
The doubts about silver fillings arise from the fact that while brushing or chewing free mercury is released from these fillings which can be hazardous to the health. This free mercury finds its place in the blood where it can cause many problems. However, scientifically it has been established that even though mercury does release itself from the fillings, the level in the blood is still not high enough to cause complications. People who are against mercury fillings say that this toxic substance can cause stomach problems, joint pains, sinus trouble, breathing problem and fatigue. Many other complications have also been listed to keep people away from amalgam fillings at all costs.
It has been established that the tests conducted by those dentists give false results. They use mercury detectors to convince patients that there is enough mercury in their mouth to cause complications. However, it’s not possible to measure the exact amount of mercury in the mouth. The only way is to conduct blood or urine tests to see how much mercury the body has absorbed. Even then it cannot be concluded that mercury which is present in the blood came from amalgam fillings.
It can be safely assumed that all the hype created by these dentists that advocate amalgam fillings to be dangerous is merely meant to flourish their own business. People would believe their stories and come to them to have their previous fillings removed and to get new ones made up of different materials. Although some people would like to opt for this option to improve their smile, there is absolutely no reason and sound proof to be afraid of amalgam fillings.
mirka 23 nabulikat sa nenecham a mam trosku viac rokov ako ty, tak sa spravaj trosku uctivejsie, dievcatko. Nezijem na Slovensku a mam jednu z najlepsich zubarok v state. Precitaj si originalne americke vedecke studie, nebola dokazana skodlivost amalgamu do dnesneho dna. Americki lekari su casto sudeni za kazdu hlupost a v hre su moiliony dolarov, kvoli tomu su velmi ostraziti a neopovazili by sa podat nic, co skodi pacientovi, lebo by skoncili na sude. A ked si pretries oci, zistis, ze ja mam vsetky plomby biele. No a chlpinut z teplomeru si mozes ty, ale asi by sa ti to rozutekalo...
Saska, na Slovensku robia lekari to, co chcu pacienti. Nepoucuju. Ako casto mas u zubara rontgon?
Zaujimave veru... Babka ma skoro 90 rokov a ma amalganove plomby, hadam niektore este aj z dob CSSR. Este len teraz jej zacinaju velmi miernucko sivnut vlasy a dokaze jest vyprazane aj bez priloh a nic jej to nerobi /pritom mala operovanu slinivku/.
Ak to tak citam tie clanky, tak podla nich uz nejak dlho presluhuje :-)
Vtip je asi v tom, ze urcite latky su v urictom mnozstve jedovate. Ale pokial si cely zivot na ne telo zvyklo, tak uz to na telo nema taky ucinok. Napr. niekde v Afrike su niektore parazity, ktore Europanom sposobia problemy, ak sa z takej vody napije. Domorodci to vsak piju a nic im neni. Telo sa vie prisposobit.
Zaujimalo by ma, ake zuby potom by mali mat nasi dochodcovia, co sa doziju takeho vysokeho veku. Iste nejake specialne biele nebudu, ale stare amalganove.... A ak si telo na nieco taketo zvyklo, tak geneticka informacia je prenasana aj do jeho potomkov.
Urcite to neni 2x zdraviu prospesne, ale zasa nebude to ziadny horor. Dnes su pomerne prisne normy aj na potraviny, lieky atd.