Ahojte... prosím o radu, skúsenosti ak niekto podstúpil ošetrenie ulthera, napíšte prosím. Mala by som záujem, ale je to dosť fin.náročné.. preto zvažujem..
Ultherapia - skúsenosti
Sestry123 a mozete mi napisat,ze kde ste absolvovali so sestrou ten liifting Hifu...tiez rozmyslam,ze by som na niečo take išla, ale neviem sa rozhodnut kde? Dakujem
Rada by som sa podelila aj ja so skusenostou s HIFU. Ja mam uz 53 rokov a vyskusala som už vseličo od mezonití, milion vyplní, botox na mimiku, aj vselijake lasery. Akoze vsetky metódy su fajn, len neriesia to ochabovanie a ten pokles pleti ako sj padajuce líca a mna trapili po 50-tke hlavne tieto problemy. Ked som sa zohla a v zrkadle a videla tie moje líca bez pevnosti a pruznosti, tak som hladala nieco čo pomôze hlavne na tieto problemy. Ale na plastiku sa mi to zdalo ešte skoro. Tak som sa rozhodla absolvovat zákrok Hifu ultrazvukom.Teraz som asi 2 mesiace po zakroku a som spokojna, hlavne líca su pevnejsie, sánka a tie sysle. Inak ultrazvuk HIFU sa potom neskor aj da skombinovat s inymi metodami,ale HIFU by mal byt základ starostlivosti od toho 40.roku pre každú ženu si myslim. Nepísem to, aby som reklamu robila, ja iba chcem poradiť ženam, ktoré trapia podobne problémy ako trapili aj mna. A nam so sestrou HIFU pomohlo. Drzim palce vsetkym.
Ja som bola v Nitre a som spokojná,vzdy je to individualne, u niekoho je efekt lepsi u niekoho slabsi, ved nie sme rovnake, ale efekt urcite pocítite. Vrasky okolo.oči sa zjemnili, obočie sa mierne pozdvihlo, čelo vyhladilo, lica spevneli. Co viac si môzem priat. Treba mat realne ocakavania,nie je to operacia, ale neinvazivny lifting a hlavne prirodzeny efekt. Takze odporúčam.
Number of Treatments
A good HIFU procedure for a facelift should only need to be done once every 12-18 months, depending on the individual. As for fat-melting procedures such as for the double-chin or jowls, 1-2 procedures might be needed.
A micro-fractionated HIFU and various other HIFUs from certain brands may not omit the same amount of heat or energy as a traditional HIFU, and may require more sessions to achieve visible results.
So how do I choose which HIFU?
There are some HIFU brands that our doctors personally like. These brands are namely the Ultraformer, Ulthera, and Doublo-S.
The reason why our doctors feel that these brands are superior to other HIFUs / Microfractionated ultrasounds is due to the peak power and stability of the machines, which results in a higher energy output. This will, therefore, improve efficacy per treatment, and produce better results with just one treatment.
Who is most suitable for a HIFU, HIFU vs Thermage
I usually choose my patients carefully according to face shapes and conditions. In general, HIFUs are more suitable for people with a heavier lower face, prominent jowls, or excess facial fats.
HIFU – or Ulthera as some know it as – has been compared with the popular Thermage. Thermage is more suitable for patients with more skin laxity, fine facial lines, and a thinner face.
Where can I do the HIFU on?
Full facelift (overall tightening)
V-shape facelift
Double chin fat reduction
Jowl reduction (tightens and reduces saggy jowls)
Brow lift
As a result, HIFUs are able to target deep skin layers to cause tightening and lift the face without needles or surgery. Here’s an important point to note: A HIFU takes about 10 weeks before results can be seen because time is needed for collagen production and tightening.
The ultrasound used in HIFUs is similar to ultrasound scans in medical clinics or hospitals. However, instead of scanning a broad area, ultrasound energy in HIFU is focused and converged onto a small focal point deep in the skin.
HIFU utilises ultrasound energy to tighten the skin and reduce unwanted facial fats in certain areas. Ultrasound is an energy modality that can be focused and penetrated deep into the skin layers to cause thermal (heat) coagulation.