Dobry den, chcem sa spytat ci tvrdnutie brucha v tehotenstve moze sposobit aj fajcenie. Ja som totiz nedokazala prestat fajcit, tvrdnutie brucha som casto nemala, ale dneska mi stvrdlo asi 7krat po sebe. Myslela som si, ze to je tym ze som bola dnes na zatazovy test a z neho mi nebolo dvakrat najlepsie. Kazdy clovek mi hovori inak o tom tvrdnuti. Jeden povie ze sa bat nemusim, ze to je normalne lebo maternica je sval tak sa prirodzene stahuje. Druhy povie ze to normalne nieje ze musim ist lezat do nemocnice, dneska som citala clanok jednej doktorky a ta povedala ze tvrdnutie brucha je normalne ak neprekroci hranicu 20krat za den, a po 34.tyzdni moze brucho stvrdnut aj 30krat za den, tak teraz neviem. Co sa tyka fajcenia, nenavidim sa za to, ale jednoducho mi to neda, mam dost zatazenu psychiku a vela ludi mi aj povedalo ze tie nervy viac ublizia dietatku ako tie cigarety. Moja mamina nefajcila vobec, zacala az ked ostala tehotna, fajcila od 6.mesiaca, a potom aj pri druhom tehotenstve fajcila normalne a aj pri mne. Dneska som sa rozhodla ze prestanem fajcit, no mam strach ze ked som tak dlho fajcila (buduci tyzden zacinam 7.mesiac), ze si babetko na to uz moc zvyklo a prestanim mu ublizim, ak je uz navyknute. Viem ze vela z vas ma tu odsudi kvoli fajceniu, a nebudem sa tomu branit, ale ked ja som tak blba :((( ... Velmi ma to mrzi, keby mozem vratit cas tak by som nefajcila vobec, ani pred tehotenstvom. Bohuzial osud mi nadelil inak a ja sa s tym neviem pobit, som zbabelec a slaboch.. Prosim poradte mi niekto, vynadajte mi nech sa uvedomim, alebo ma povzbudte svojimi skusenostami ako prestat. Bola som aj na 3D sone a tam doktor povedal ze mala je v poriadku, iba ze je o dost mensia nez by mala byt ale ze sa nemame strachovat lebo ze este stale je to v ramci normy.. Strasne ju lubim a umrela by som keby sa jej daco stane, no sama jej moc nepomaham tymi cigaretami. :((((( Vyfajcim tak 4 lahke za den, vzdy po troske, nie celu naraz. Viem ze je jedno v akom mnozstve, alebo ci su lahke ci tazke, nemozem si pomoct, prosim o pomoc, surne!!! :(((((
tehotenstvo a fajcenie
Nie liones, nie som detská lekárka, len sa tu nehrám na mudrlantku, čo zožala všetkú múdrosť sveta a nebudem ju tu odsudzovať. Sú ženy,ktoré fajčili a majú zdravé deti, tak že, ak si myslíte, že všetky choroby, čo dieťa má, má určite s toho, že ich matka v tehotenstve fajčila, tak si žite vo svojich snoch a ilúziách. Je kopa žien, čo nefajčili počas tehotenstva,zdravo sa stravovali a majú choré deti(astmy,kardiovaskulárne poruchy,problémy zo štítnou žľazou a pod.)To,či dieťa bude mať nejaká väčšie zdravotné problémy záleží najmä od genetiky.
moj nazor..kazda zena ktora fajci aj nefajci nepride hned na to ze je tehotna.nie?prideme na to ked je zena uz 1-2 mesiace a pocas tych mesiacou aj tak fajci!nie?kazdy jeden gynekolog vam povie ze zeny ktore su fajciarky nemaju prestat fajcit len obmedzit na 1-2 cigarety denne.preto ze ked prestane fajcit to skodi viec babu ako ta cigareta..pretoze ked zena prestane fajcit je nervozdna,tym skodi babu.a zena ma ten nikotyn aj tak v tele a ma ho uz aj babo.obmedzuj cigarety.............................vela zdravia tebe aj babu,a neboj vsetko bude dobre.
Mamka, nechcem ta strasit... SIDS je syndrom predcasneho umrtia dojciat. Deti, ktorych mamy fajcili pocas tehu maju zvysenu sancu na tento syndrom dva az patkrat. Neviem, ci tehotenstvo bolo planovane, ale s fajcenim si mala skoncovat pred otehotnenim. Malu strasne zamorujes. Ked ti nejde prestat hned, znizuj davky.
Uz od piateho mesiaca by zena mala spavat na boku, ano, dietatu nerobi dobre, ked spis na chrbte, ale to su zakladne veci, ktore by zena mala vediet...
dneska som bola u lekarky hovorila som s nou o tvrdnuti brucha, bolo mi povedane ze je vsetko ok pokial tvrdnutie nepresahuje hranicu nejakych 15tvrdnuti za den, a ze vraj po namahavom dni to moze byt aj intenzivne. povedala som ze tvrdnutie nemam pokial lezim na boku ale len vtedy ked si vecer lahnem v klude na chrbat, povedali mi ze v takomto stadiu tehotnestva by som nemala vobec lezat na chrbate, ale iba na boku ci maximalne v polosede, leboze ked lezim na chrbte, mala mi tlaci na dutu zilu a tym mi znizuje prisun kyslika, a to mi moze sposobit skolabovanie, preto mi tvrdne brucho leboze to je ako keby signal od malej, ze mam zlu polohu, ktora ma moze ohrozit.... takze som o dost kludnejsia, no i tak prestanem fajcit...
mimisek neviem po anglicky, mozes mi vysvetlit pojem SIDS?? dakujem
lionessss, presne tak, problemy sa nemusia ukazat hned, ale ked clovek dostane napriklad skaredu autoimunitnu chorobu v 40tke, tak nech sa spyta mamicky, ci nahodou nefajcila pocas tehotenstva. Mne to rozum neberie, ked zena fajci pocas tehu a vedome svoje dieta vystavuje velkemu riziku. Tipujem, ze pri vyfuku z auta by mu nos nedrzala... Osobne povazujem fajciarov za zavislakov, narkomanov, ktori su strasni slabosi a ked ani v dnesnej dobe, kedy sa vie o skodlivosti nie su schopni prestat fajcit, tak aj poriadne natvrdlych.
Aja, poznáš kompletné anamnézy a problémy detí matiek, ktoré fajčili? tak si dobrá...klobúk dolu... zrejme detská lekárka, že?
Pevne verim, ze to nie su znamky hroziaceho potratu. Takisto riziko SIDS bude dost velke. Ak vies anglicky, citaj:
Consider the physiological effects of smoking on yourself and your baby, especially the increased risk of SIDS.
1. It retards growth. Smoking stunts the growth of the developing fetus. Nicotine narrows the uterine blood vessels, thus reducing blood flow to the baby. Also, smoking puts the oxygen blocker carbon monoxide into the blood that nourishes baby. Carbon monoxide robs oxygen from the baby. Levels of carbon monoxide have been measured at six to seven times higher in the blood of pregnant mothers who smoke. Carbon monoxide levels in cigarette smoke resembles that of automobile exhaust. Smoking thus reduces the oxygen supply to the infant in the womb, in effect slightly smothering the defenseless baby.
2. It retards brain development. Nicotine has been shown experimentally to retard fetal brain growth in animals. The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to low levels of oxygen, and immaturity of the brain center that regulates breathing could contribute to SIDS. Recent studies of smoking mothers' infants who died in the womb provide insight into how exposure to smoking may injure developing brains. Besides causing neurological damage by lessening oxygen supply to the developing brain, nicotine may be poisonous to area of the brain directly involved with heart and breathing functions and arousal from sleep. Also, infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more likely to have diminished arousal from sleep in response to a low-oxygen challenge.
3. It impairs breathing after birth. Mothers who smoked at least half a pack of cigarettes a day during pregnancy are nearly three times more likely to have babies with mucus-blocked airways or episodes of apnea.
4. It increases the likelihood of prematurity. The risk of SIDS goes up as baby's birthweight and gestational age go down. Babies of smoking mothers end up being smaller (due to intrauterine growth retardation), and smoking increases the risk of complications of pregnancy that lead to prematurity: premature rupture of fetal membranes, placenta previa, and premature detachment of the placenta.
5. Passive smoking also harms the baby. When expectant mothers are exposed to smoke from other people's cigarettes, their babies are also exposed. One study showed that a pregnant woman's exposure to smoke for at least two hours a day doubled her risk of delivering a low birthweight baby. While older studies claimed no increased SIDS risk if the father smoked, a newer study reports a higher risk of SIDS if the father smokes. Demand that your husband and co-workers respect the life inside your womb. If your job requires working in a smoke-contaminated environment while pregnant, know that this is a proven health hazard to your baby and is grounds for reassignment to a baby-healthy environment. As a testimony to the wisdom of the body, many mothers find they have an aversion to being around cigarette and cigar smoke (and to drinking alcohol) while pregnant. Listen to the warnings of your body and hundreds of medical studies: Don't expose yourself and your baby to smoke while pregnant. Legally, you have the right to work in a smoke-free environment.
6. Smoking harms mothers and babies.
* Increases infertility (smoking could account for ten percent of infertility problems in mothers)
* Increases risk of ectopic pregnancy
* Increases risk of placenta previa
* Increases risk of premature separation of the placenta
* Increases risk of placental abnormalities (known as "smoker's placenta")
* Increases risk of problem pregnancies, e.g., pre-eclampsia
* Increases risk of prematurity under intrauterine growth retardation
* Increases risk of the newborn dying at birth by twenty percent; thirty-five percent if mother smokes more than thirty-five cigarettes a day
* Increases risk of respiratory infections in infant
* Increases risk of SIDS by two to five times
Studies have shown the following correlations between mothers who smoke during pregnancy, especially heavy smoking (greater than one pack a day) and the development of their children. Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are more likely to show:
* Decreased newborn Apgar scores (if smoking more than one pack a day)
* Decreased mental performance scoring at age one year
* Decreased academic performance scores in the school-age child
* Reduced I.Q.
* Shorter stature (by one to two centimeters)
* Smaller head circumference as infants
* Increased learning difficulties (children were 25 percent more likely to have learning disabilities if their mother smoked greater than 20 cigarettes a day)
* Increased hyperactivity
* Increased behavioral problems
Studies on the long-term effects of smoking during pregnancy on children's mental and physical development did not all agree. Some showed slight or no adverse effects. The above conclusions represent the general consensus of outcome studies.
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Suppose you were about to take your baby into a room when you noticed a sign that read: Warning, this room contains poisonous gases of around 4,000 chemicals, some of which have been linked to cancer and lung damage, and are especially harmful to the breathing passages of young infants. "I certainly wouldn't take my baby into there," you conclude. Yet, that's exactly what happens when you take your baby into a room frequented by smokers. "But we always sit in a non-smoking area of public places," you add. This is helpful, but not enough. Having a "Non-smoking area" is like trying to chlorinate half a swimming pool. Pollutants travel through the air. "But I only smoke outside," you rationalize. Also helpful, but not enough. Smoke sticks to clothing and hair. When your baby nestles on your shoulder with his nose on your smoke-contaminated clothing and near your hair your baby's inhales pollutants.
Parents have a right to fume over the poisonous gases that come from a cigarette or cigar burning in their baby's presence. Among the many toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke are the oxygen blocker carbon monoxide; benzene, a potential carcinogen; ammonia; hydrogen cyanide, which is used in making rat poison; formaldehyde; and of course, nicotine. Here are some of the effects.
1. Bothers little breathers. Any poison that deprives the infant of oxygen increases the risk of SIDS. Cigarette and cigar smoke deprive the infant of oxygen, which could interfere with development of the brain center that controls breathing. When the body is chronically deprived of oxygen, it tries to compensate by increasing the production of a chemical that facilitates oxygen transport, called 2,3 DPG. Levels of this substance have been found to be higher in children exposed to smoke, indicating they are trying to compensate for chronic oxygen deprivation. Cotinine, the main chemical produced when the body breaks down nicotine, has been found in the blood of babies exposed to passive smoke, proof that harmful chemicals enter babies' bodies from cigarette or cigar smoke in the environment. Nicotine, cotinine, thiocyanate, and another nicotine byproduct, have also been found in the blood of breastfeeding infants whose mothers smoke. (Whether these poisons enter the baby via mothers' milk or secondhand smoke is uncertain.) The blood levels of the nicotine byproducts were proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked by the mother.
2. Hurts little hearts. Besides being harmful to growing lungs, smoking may harm growing hearts. Levels of HDL, best known as the "good cholesterol" that may protect from heart disease, was lower in children of smoking parents. In addition, researchers have found high levels of cotinine in the fluid around the hearts of some infants who died of SIDS. Smoke toxins have also been implicated in depressing the automatic regulation of heart rates.
3. Injures little brains. Previously, I mentioned how smoking prenatally may retard the growth of baby's brain. It appears that the brain of a baby of a smoker doesn't fare much better outside the womb. In experiments, nicotine acts as a breathing stimulant to animals that are breathing normally. But as soon as their breathing is compromised, nicotine seems to depress the compensatory breathing control mechanisms in the brain that should return the animal's breathing to normal. It is possible that a smoking mother's infant, whose breathing is already compromised, say, from a cold, could fail to restart breathing because of the effects of nicotine.
4. Blocks little noses. The nasal passages of babies are particularly sensitive to smoke and other irritants and allergens. Also, some babies are obligate nose breathers; meaning they insist on breathing through their nose and, unlike adults, do not switch to mouth breathing if their noses are blocked. Nasal passages that are stuffy and blocked because of smoke could compromise baby's breathing.
The lower respiratory tract is lined with tiny filaments, called "cilia," which wave back and forth to clear mucous from the airway passages and help keep them open. Smoke paralyzes these cilia, leaving the increased mucous that is secreted during colds and allergies to clog the air passages. Children of smoking parents have two to three times more doctor visits because of respiratory infections. Respiratory viruses are frequently found at postmortem examination of SIDS infants. Respiratory infections within two weeks of death have been implicated in setting up a baby for SIDS.
Liones: Pod pojmom choré, si nemusí človek hneď predstaviť mentálne chorého človeka alebo človeka bez rúk či nôh! Napísala som jasne, že poznám deti, ktorých matky počas tehotenstva fajčili a sú zdravé. Podotýkam, že všetci majú viac ako 18 rokov. Nechápem za čo ju mám odsudzovať. Ona veľmi dobre vie, že má problém a snaží sa fajčenie obmedziť. Mám jej teraz napísať, že určite bude mať jej dieťa zdravotné problémy a bude za to môcť ona? Nie je prvá a ani posledná žena, ktorá fajčí počas tehotenstva. Je mnoho žien, ktoré počas tehotenstva vyfajčili aj celú krabičku cigariet a deti nemajú žiadne zdravotné problémy.
Dakujem, spytam sa na to. Len ma bolieva cele brucho, preto mam strach ci to niesu nejake krce alebo co, aby to nejak neposobilo aj na malu. A viem aj ze ublizujem malej tymi cigaretami, moc ma to mrzi, obmedzila som to na 2denne, ze ked potrebujem tak si parkrat potiahnem a zahasim, nie celu, celu by som ani nezvladla, len to je taky zvyk, a cigaretu vidim ako najlepsie vychodisko z mojich problemov rodinnych, je toho na mna vela a ta cigareta ma dokaze ukludnit, kolkokrat som bola taka zufala od nervov, ze som chytila riadny zachvat placu, az som od vycerpania skoro odpadla, neudrzala som sa na nohach... Vyrozpravanie sa mi moc nepomaha, lebo sa mi to vsetko premieta znova pred ocami a znova som tam kde pred tym, preto si obcas parkrat potiahnem na ukludnenie, nieje to ze by som vyfajcila krabicku denne, alebo ze celu cigaretu naraz, to ani nedokazem celu naraz vyfajcit, vzdy tak max 4tahy a dusim ju. Viem ze je jedno v akom mnozstve to je, ze to skodi tak ci tak, ale podla mna som uz urobila pokrok, ze pred tym som denne 20cigariet, pocas tehotnestva aj 7denne po troske, a teraz len 2-3, a chcem uplne prestat len nie naraz, ay si telo zvykalo, aby som nedostala nejake abstaky, lebo raz som sa pokusala prestat uplne, zo dna na den a tak mi bolo zle, triasla som sa, uplne divne mi bolo, tak som si zapalila a preslo to.. Mozno som len domyslava, plne si uvedomujem, co sposobujem a velmi sa za to nenavidim, ale tie problemy su silnejsie.. :((((( a to ma mrzi...