Zelený jačmeň a chlorella


Podobne aj zeleny jacmen ma protirakovinove ucinky dokazane v studiach:

"The ingredient, barley grass extract (Hordeum vulgare L.; Bex) is used to prevent or ameliorate various types of disease. In cancer, Bex has been revealed to inhibit tumor growth.
In the present study, Bex induced apoptotic cell death of highly metastatic MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells and DU-145 prostate cancer cells."


Taktiez su nejake studie, ktore hovoria o tom, ako Chlorella a jej zlozky pomahaju v boji s rakovinou:

"A glycoprotein extract (CVS), derived from the unicellular green alga Chlorella vulgaris, strain CK22, exhibited a pronounced antitumor effect against both spontaneous and experimentally induced metastasis in mice."

"Chlorella vulgaris. the extract of C. vulgaris C-C inhibits human lung cancer H1299, A549, and H1437 cells in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the treatment with extracts of C. vulgaris C-C effectively reduced the migration of tumor cells,"


Su vedecke studie ktore potvrdzuju ze zlozky v Spiruline pomahaju v boji s rakovinou:

"S. platensis and its tetrapyrrolic components substantially decreased the proliferation of experimental pancreatic cancer."

"Spirulina LPS effectively inhibited the spontaneous development of mammary tumors."

"We conclude that SP, owing mainly to the presence of phycocyanin, could be of potential clinical interest in cancer treatment or prevention of relapse."

"C-Phycocyanin (C-PC) is one of the major biliproteins of Spirulina platensis, a blue green algae, with antioxidant and radical scavenging properties. It is also known to exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties."


Cinsa tyka zeleneho.jacmena a chlorelly green ways je to perfektna vec o spiruline poviem len tolko moja sestra si ju objednala cez internet v zahranici kde zije ja som si.zadovazil na slovensku od mojej susedky zeleny jacmen a chllorelu od GW tato pani.ma choreho.manzela na rakovinu lymfatickych uzlin ktoreho.tieto zelene pripravky drzia pri zivote samotni lekari boli sokovani pri jeho vysledkoch ktore dosiahol.nie vdaka ich ,,liecbe"ale vdaka timto perfektnym produktom co sa tyka tej spiruliny dala ju otestovat do laboratoria kde sa potvrdilo ze vtejto spiruline su tazke kovy cize davat si pozor co a odkial si objednat co sa tyka tychto produktov z lekarne urcite nie.Jacmen je dobre uzivat s chllorelou vtedy ma zosilneny ucinok sam som mal tazkosti crevne i zaludocne a zbavil som sa toho.len vdaka tymto vyrobkom a to mam este astmu pri ktorej mi to pomaha najviac je to draha zalezitost no ak ochoriete a darmte sa tou druhou cestou tak za lieky u lekarov nechate majland a to vam ani.nepomoze cize treba si rozmysliet odkial a ako si zadovazit tieto vyrobky. A samozrejme ze len Jacmen a chllorela nas nezachrani treba spestrit stravu upravit trocha jedalnicek.


ja užívam tree3chlorellu, vrele odporúčam zlepšuje sa celkový chod organizmu cez tráviacu sústavu až po upravenie hormónov v tele

crazy smile

Ja mam na chlorelu len pozitivne ucinky-vycistila sa mi plet a zachranila ma pred operaciou tenkeho creva(crohnova choroba).Keby nie tohto pripravku tak neviem ci este som tu.Konecne mozem jest pit a usmievat sa nad zivotom.Nie som uz unavena aki predtym.Nepisem to tu len tak.Na chut sa da zvyknut lebo ked clovek je na dne chyta sa kazdej slamky