We've started this forum to help centralize some of the discussions out there that people are having regarding weight loss and those often complicating factors such as Type 1 or 2 diabetes, PCOS, fibromyalgia, etc.
*This is absolutely NOT a place to give out medical advice. Just like the rest of the Weight Loss forum, it is a place to share personal experiences and high-quality information.
*Any information that you find here should NEVER replace the advice of your medical doctor or healthcare team.
*The same rules as the rest of the forum apply regarding spamming, linking, and insulting other members
There is a sub-forum started for Type 2 diabetes as this is a common condition related to those that are overweight.
For now, start a thread with the Health Condition in the Title, so that others know what the thread is about. Commonly discussed conditions will likely be made into sub-forums in the future.
Willie Osgood