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HIFU ulthera lifting


Žienky...odporúčam Hifu každej žene po 40 roku. Vtedy plet začina ochabovat, lebo sa vam prestava tvorit vás vlastný kolagen...s tým nič nenarobíte. Darmo si dáte výpln či botox, gravitaciu s tym nezastavite. HIFU je asi jedina neinvazívna metoda, ktora rieši ten pokles tvare a poklesnuté kontury. Ak este nechcete skalpel a rezanie začnite s HIFU čim skor a vysledky budu o to lepsie. Ja som bola v NZ. v 41. roku a teraz nedavno tiež som bola už 2 krat v 44. roku a som spokojna.Vsetci si myslia se mam o 10 rokov menej a zato vam to píšem aj sem. Skúste a uvidite. Je to prirodzena, ale pritom účinna metoda liftingu. Pekny den.


Ja som bola v Blave v tom eveclinic, ale neišla by som tam uz, beru tam klientky jak na páse,hlavne ked mate kupon zo zlavomatu. Mne skoro nič nevysvetlili,že čo a ako budu robit, robila mi to asistentka, sice bola zlata, ale podla mna s tym nemala este vela skusenosti. Som asi 2 mesiace po zakroku,ale zatial nevidim ziadny extra efekt. Podla mna to HIFU je dobré, len to treba aj kvalitne a precízne urobit...moj nazor,moja skusenost.


Na HIFU som bola aj ja. Mam 42 rokov. No musím vam povedat, ze som sa dosť bala tej bolesti. Ale velmi som to chcela, tak som išla. Najviac ma bolela sánka a líca....o tom málo ludi píše,že je to bolestivý zákrok. Mna to dosť bolelo, ale dala som si predtym silne analgetikum, inak by som to horšie vydržala. Ale ked je to spravne robebé, tak vas to aj musí trochu boliet, takze áno odporúčam HIFU, ale neni to len tak nejaký príjemný zákrok, ale  u mna vysledok celkovo fajn, takze napriek bolesti neĺutujem a odporúčam ako alternatívu liftingu.


HIFU je fajn metoda, nenahradza síce uplne lifting, ale žiadna ina metoda vam nezdvihne kontúry. Vsetky ostatne metody riesia iba povrchové veci, či vrasky...ale čo je proti ochabovaniu a proti gravitacii? Podľa mna iba HIFU. Ja odporúcam žienky...zastavite starnutie a spomalite gravitaciu. Pekny den


Ultherapy uses sound energy — tried-and-true ultrasound — which has unique properties that allow it to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. Ultherapy ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation, resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over two to three months.5 Some lasers rely on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers.6 Typically, laser treatments also only treat superficial skin and are not FDA-cleared to lift skin.6


According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), HIFU and other nonsurgical alternatives to facelifts have seen a major increase in popularity over the last few years. The total number of procedures performed has increased 64.8 percent between 2012 and 2017.

HIFU has many aesthetic benefits, including:

wrinkle reduction
tightening sagging skin on the neck (sometimes called turkey neck)
lifting the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids
enhancing jawline definition
tightening of the décolletage
smoothing the skin

Hifu therapy

What does HIFU feel like?
You may experience slight discomfort during an HIFU procedure. Some people describe it as tiny electric pulses or a light prickly sensation.

If you’re worried about pain, your doctor may suggest taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen (Advil), prior to treatment.

Immediately after the treatment, you may experience mild redness or swelling, which will gradually recede over the next few hours.


A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with some degree of laxity, to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. Loose skin under the neck and under the chin, or lines and wrinkles on the chest, are signals a patient might be a candidate. Typically, those in their 30s and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates.8 While Ultherapy is not a replacement for a surgical facelift, there are many people who want some facial lifting but are not ready for surgery, whether mentally, physically or financially. There also are younger people who want to "stay ahead of the game," as well as patients wanting an aesthetic maintenance option.


High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening that some consider a noninvasive and painless replacement for face lifts. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.


Bola som na Hifu viackrat v inych salonoch a je to super osetrenie. Samozrejme som si nerobila vzdusne zamky o vysledku, ako to niekde pisu, urcite to nema efekt ako chirurgicky zakrok, ale plet mam vidietelne omladenu. A ja sa operacii bojim. Ale jeden krat to nestaci. Nie su to vsak vyhodene peniaze. ja som spokojna.