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Som alkoholička

Príspevok v téme: Som alkoholička
Tony L

Volám sa Tony, som cudzinka, manžel je Slovák.
Myslím, že som alkoholička, pijem úplne každý deň. Mám 28 rokov, alkohol mal u mňa vždy svoje miesto už od puberty, ale zhoršuje sa to, pomaly niet dňa, kedy by som nepila.
Neviem odkedy to už nedokážem ovládať, ale stále častejšie cítim, že ma to demoluje. Zobúdzam sa dolámaná, s opuchnutými očami, pri pohľade do zrkadla mám chuťv sa zo seba vyvracať.

Každé ráno začínam, poviem si - dnes určite nie, a potom sa počas dňa stane niečo, čo ma rozladí, znepokojí, poníži a ja sa tým pitím musím večer potrestať. Opijem sa a prežerem tak, aby mi bolo totálne zle, v noci samozrejme nespím, ale o to viac verím v nové ráno, kedy si opäť poviem, že tentoraz vydržím, že sa nebudem trestať, že sa očistím a bude zo mňa opäť normálny človek.
Nikdy to ale neviem vydržať dlhšie, aj preto píšem sem. Nemám totiž s kým svoj problém zdieľať. Môj manžel je asi radšej, keď mám nejakú tú svoju hladinku, vníma to síce ako problém, ale necíti potrebu to riešiť. Som totiž veľmi introvertná bytosť, bez sebavedomia, v triezvom stave sa už takmer neviem uvoľniť. On má toho sám veľa, asi mu nezostáva energia riešiť moje depresie.
Okrem neho, o mojom alkoholizme vie ešte kolegyňa, zlatá žena, to ona mi poradila napísať sem, pomáha mi i s pravopisom, nakoľko som cudzinka.

Budem veľmi vďačná za každý príspevok k môjmu problému, zvlášť od žien, ktoré sa trápia s podobným problémom.

Dneska znovu raz začínam s detoxom, nastavila som si prísny režim, každý deň cvičiť, jesť zdravšie, dopriať si viac radostí v živote, fotografovať..
Verím, že ak sa tu budem pravidelne deliť so svojimi skúsenosťami, podarí sa mi od pitia oslobodiť.


Happines is individual state of mind. Depression and various nerve problems are mainly result of defficiencies of neurotrasnsmiters and stress, maybe also sleep.. And that can be adressed as I have said before.
But if you know better before trying anything named, sorry, this is best I can offer as advice from my various doctor's information sources.

Tony L

andm: Really thank you. I´ll be truly glad if we exchange emails :)

RNG: You can´t ask this question like that. If I need oxygen every day, am I addicted? Of course not. But if I drink almost bottle of wine every day = I feel addicted.
And andm is right, this is not the really point. Important thing is - I am not very happy in my life. And sorry RNG, but I don´t think yoga will help me to start new clean happier life.


Vine is food in moderation. Alchol is considered even useful in small amounts. So "where is the beef"?
I drink water every day and can't be vithout it. Is it considered also addiction?
If you have problems with psyche, that is different problem and alcohol is not a real solution for it.
Try 5_HTP, SAM-e, GABA/Picamilon, stress B,or even extracts from St John's Wort.
They help my wife with stress or crowd situations very well. Before she was trying to solve it with alcohol and to get effect she had to up the dosages to the level of drunk/alcoholic. And since that did not help anyhow and made her life even more miserable, she did finally quit drinking for many years. Now she sips from time to time from my drink, just curious about the taste of my infequent social drinks.
And solves her nerve problems with St John's wort, yoga and thaichi quite succesfully.


I have to agree with Tony here, RNG. I believe it's not really about the amount of alcohol, but more of the reason why you're doing it. And simply the fact that you can't do without. I mean you physically can, but you're just not enjoying the time.

Anyway, does it really matter? Alcoholic or not, that's not really the point. I guess however you call it, the most important thing is that she is not happy with the current status. And that she has to drink just to feel "okay" or "normal".

I know what you mean, Tony. I'll try to write you:).

Tony L

RNG: I think alcoholism is a very subjective feeling. I drink almost every day, not just from time to time - and it's not because of taste, I drink because I need more courage to live. Sometimes I am scared of evening without alcohol, because I know I would not enjoy evening. And this is a reason I think I am alcoholic.


Tony, 3 glasses of wine certainly does not make you an alcoholic. I knew many real alcoholics in my life, some even close to me, some drank as much as pint of hard liquor, as vodka or so, so nobody can smell it on their breath, and were dazed/buzzed most of the day, which they did not wanted to admit.
But once they finally realized, that is way to much and that it takes away of quality of their life, degrades them, they picked up enough will power to quit, cold turkey. And became sober for the rest of their life.
So if you fall so deep(because you are not nearly there yet) maybe you will have to do the same. So far I see you only scared of few glasses of wine from time to time, which is mostly innocent, not at all alcoholic.


Tony: Is there any way how to get your contact? E-mail or so... I see many similarities in your story with myself...


Tony L

andm: I drink with my friends and even myself, not a lot - usually two or three glasses of wine, but almost every day. And my husband? I don´t know.. We don´t speak together very often, Each of us has different interests, but I know he still likes me - his way

Tony L

Ahoj Shera5,
je to pravda, ako som bola na seba hrdá minulý týždeň, ozaj som vydržala takmer 7 dní bez alkoholu, tento týždeň bol úbohý. Pritom vôbec mi to nerobí dobre, akonáhle zacítim chuť vína, dvíha sa mi žalúdok. No keď si pomyslím, že mám zažiť ďalší triezvy večer, zľaknem sa. Sama neviem čoho presne - mám naozaj dobrý život.
Aňa je tu so mnou, sedíme v kaviarni, už ani nič nehovorí, len sedí vedľa mňa; V pondelok mám termín u terapeuta, tak hádam mi pomôže objaviť ten zničujúci princíp vovnútri mňa, ktorý spôsobuje, že všetok svoj strach a neistotu tlmím hladinkami..