Skusenosti s jogou...


áno, tá je taká rýchla, ale ja napríklad mám rada aj takú tú, kde je teplo, tá hot joga, či ako sa to nazýva.


ja osobne som jogu cvicila a vydrzalo mi to asi mesiac :D neviem, nebavilo ma to az tak, potrebujem zrejme nieco energickejsie, nudila som sa pri tom. navyse som ani nemala pocit, ze by som si nejak extra pri tom davala do tela, to skor ten Pilates.


ked niektori ludia povedia, ze lepsie cvicit zle ako vobec, ale myslim si, ze pri joge veru je zaklad to, aby tie cviky boli spravne prevedene :)


I never thought I would say this, but yoga has changed my life. When I first started doing yoga, I was just looking for a way to relax and de-stress. I had no idea that it would have such a profound impact on my mental and physical health.

Now, after years of practice, I can say with confidence that yoga is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. It's helped me to become more flexible and strong, both physically and mentally. I'm more aware of my body and my breath, and I feel more connected to myself and the world around me.