Of overall chlamydia diagnoses reported in 2008, the rate of infection among women was almost three times higher than the rate among men: 607.0 cases per 100,000 population compared to a rate of 233.9 among men. This is thought to be due to the higher number of women screened for chlamydia. For gonorrhea, the rate among women was 119.4 (cases per 100,000 population) compared to a rate of 103.0 among men. The rate of primary and secondary stage syphilis was higher among men - 11.1 cases (per 100,000) were reported for men in 2008, compared to 1.5 for women.
v skratke: zalezi to od choroby, kto dominuje v jej prenasani/noseni, ci muz alebo zena..
Dalej udajne 48% z HIV bolo cez "muz na muza" a 17% cez hetero...
20% odielu mali zeny (neviem kedy)
ale v 2007 t obolo uz 27% a najnovsie zevraj 31%
f these states, the HIV diagnosis rate in 2007 was higher for males (38.8 per 100,000 population) than females (12.9). This is reflected in 2007 AIDS diagnoses with the diagnosis rate for males (21.6 per 100,000 population) again being higher than that of females (7.5).
(92%) were probably infected with HIV through mother-to-child transmission. - DETI
cize ... mozno by som sa priklonil k tomu ze prave MUZI su ti castejsi prenasaci :D
velmi trefny graf, ze 2/3 muzov sa nakazolu z muza, ale 2/3 zien z tiez prave muza..
chyba tam female+female :D ci tak sa to neprenasa ?
ale totalne to cini
cca 200 tisic zien a 800 tisic muzov
cize... :P