How can I connect to different data sources in Power BI?

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Power BI provides various options to connect to different data sources. Here are the most common methods:

a. Direct query: With direct query, Power BI connects directly to the data source in real-time, retrieving data as needed. This is useful when dealing with large data sets or when real-time data is required.

b. Import data: You can import data into Power BI by connecting to files (e.g., Excel, CSV), databases (e.g., SQL Server, Oracle), cloud services (e.g., Azure, Salesforce), or other sources like SharePoint or web pages. Power BI imports the data into its internal data model, allowing you to create visualizations and reports based on the imported data.

c. Power Query: Power Query is a data transformation and shaping tool within Power BI. It allows you to connect to various data sources, perform data transformations (such as filtering, merging, and aggregating), and load the transformed data into Power BI for analysis and reporting.