Veterina v brne

Príspevok v téme: Veterina v brne

chcela by som ísť študovať veterinu v Brne. nevedeli by ste mi poradiť nejaké dobré knihy, z ktorých by som sa mohla učiť biológiu a chémiu v češtine? chodila som na gympel, čiže biológiu a chémiu celkom ovládam, len v češtine majú veľa iných pomenovaní
Ďakujem za odpovede


Thanks All of your intrest

I think the main event is coming in few days so iam keeping my eye on ot this is Cricket boss ICC Worldcup 2022 is coming


The biggest event of the year is going to make a start with the International Cricket Council Board. ICC has announced that, the latest updates of the ICC T20 World Cup tournament for Men. That major event will be hosted by UAE and Oman between 17th October to 14th November 2021.


The biggest event of the year is going to make a start with the International Cricket Council Board. ICC has announced that, the latest updates of the ICC T20 World Cup tournament for Men. That major event will be hosted by UAE and Oman between 17th October to 14th November 2021.
Be Update about the Best Apps to Watch T20 world cup Live streaming


ahoj, syn mojej kamarátky začal študovať veterinu v brne, ale nezvládal ju, je vraj veľmi náročná a tak po 1. ročníku odišiel. Teraz začal študovať veterinu v Košiciach a tam sa mu darí.


Hello i am Bilal...

It was first decided by International Cricket Council (ICC) in 2007 that ICC T20 World Cup will be played after every 2 years. According to the schedule first T20 World Cup played in 2007 and it was hosted by South Africa. In the final match of this grand tournament, India defeated Pakistan.