
Príspevok v téme: Psychopat

Ahojte, stretli ste niekedy cloveka, o ktorom by ste mohli povedat ze je psychopat? Alebo ste boli v takom vzťahu? Ako sa takýto clovek správal? Myslite si, ze sa dokáže psychopat zmenit, kvôli nejakej inej osobe? Alebo psychopat ostane vždy psychopatom? A vždy časom sa prejaví jeho charakter a správanie?


If you suspect someone of being a psychopath try to create a picture of the different major traits that all psychopaths have. Is he impulsive and irresponsible? Does he use drugs, alcohol, nicotine and like extreme experiences? Has he ever had long stable relationships or solely short fleeting sexual relations? Does he lie and manipulate? Does he ever show genuine emotional reactions? Is he arrogant and sees himself as better than everyone else?

If the answer to most of these questions is yes, then you should take steps to minimize your contact with the person. A psychopath will always seek to parasitize on you as much as possible. The people associated with a psychopath will always lose both emotionally and materially. There is no good way to counter a psychopath as they will not give up but try to dominate and abuse you again and again so take steps to remove them from your life or keep them at a distance.


Buki kto je podla teba psychopat ale podla psychologie je to clovek neschpny vnimat a mat pocity. Proste nevie co je to je a nerozumie tomu. Aj ked su rozne stadia a zase to nieje ciernobiele. Tiez su ludia ktori vnimaju a maju emocie ale neprejavuju ich alebo maju strach z neznamych a emoticnych sytuacii a vyhybaju sa im. Je toho strasne vela a prelina sa to, nic neni jednoznacne.


Unit ved si nenapísala prečo sa na to pýtaš. Popíš osobu o ktorej si to myslíš, hlavne jej správanie. Tažko sa vyjadriť len tak - k všeobecnej otázke.