No,bude to trošku iná otázka ako by sa očakávalo. Ale prosím kto viete poraďte zufalemu dievčaťu :D
Otec mi posiela výživné raz ročne,a toto mi napísal:
I need from you a confirmation, that you got Euro 6`500,.. for the year 2015. I have no receipt for this money, because I made the transfer from Germany to your account on March 2015.
Please send me the confirmation in english that you got Euro 6`500.— for the year 2015 on march 2015. That is all. Than I can send it to the tax authorities.
You will find the amount in your bank return or you have to ask there. Please do not write, that the amount came from Germany. I need only a confirmation for the amount.
Po anglicky rozumiem,ale netuším čo odomňa chce, ako to mám spraviť. Viete niekto?