Páči sa vám? Zdá sa vám pekné, zaujímavé? Čo vo vás evokuje?
Páči sa vám meno Simona?
Nepáči, vo mne to meno evokuje prázdnu, nafúkanú,afektovanú ženu, a to žiadnu Simonu nepoznám, takže nie som ovplyvnená konkrétnou osobou. Znie mi tvrdo. Aj keď ho zmäkčím na Simonka - pre mňa o ničom. Toť môj názor
hmm. vy sa tu uz pytate co si ludia myslia o vasom mene? sibe vam, ze? :)
mne sa meno simona nepaci ale pravdepodobne to je sposobene tym, ze vsetky simony, s ktorymi som sa stretla, boli namyslene, afektovane, prilis sebavedome (aj ekd nemali naco)... skratka nesedeli mi..:)
Znie arogantne?
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Italian, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, Slovene
Feminine form of SIMON
Priamo Simon:
"From Σιμων (Simon), the New Testament Greek form of the Hebrew name שִׁמְעוֹן (Shim'on) which meant "he has heard". This was the name of several biblical characters, including the man who carried the cross for Jesus. However, the most important person of this name in the New Testament was the apostle Simon, also known as Peter (a name given to him by Jesus). Because of him, this name has been common in the Christian world. In England it was popular during the Middle Ages, though it became rarer after the Protestant Reformation."
Pre Aiden
Ja si myslím, že neznie:D
arogantne? vobec
nahodou je to krasne meno.
Simona pozitivne ???????
urcite nie.....je to meno ktore sa mne osobne vobec nepaci je take nezenske proste mne sa vybavi taky androgenny typ zeny (nechcem nikoho urazit )
Páči sa mi