it is very important but you should not look directly at it too close, it will make your eyes hurt. you should have a reasonable time to use the phone like use it for 30 minutes for example
Kožná lekárka: Ochranné krémy s SPF 50 nás chránia pred spálením kože približne dve hodiny
it is very important but you should not look directly at it too close, it will make your eyes hurt. you should have a reasonable time to use the phone like use it for 30 minutes for example
it is very important but you should not look directly at it too close, it will make your eyes hurt. you should have a reasonable time to use the phone like poppy playtime chapter 3 use it for 30 minutes for example
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Slnko je dôležitým faktorom pre naše zdravie. No musíme sa mu vystavovať primerane a bezpečne. Kľúčovú rolu zohráva napríklad pri syntéze vitamínu D, zvyšuje hladinu serotonínu – prispieva k dobrej nálade.