Ste silný kávičkár alebo uprednostňujete bezkofeínovú kávu? Podľa vedcov o tom rozhodujú vaše gény!


Priznam sa, ze predtym som vypila cokolvek, co dali predo mna a povedali mi, ze je to kava :D Ale to bolo skor preto, lebo dovtedy som kvalitnu kavu neskusila. Najradsej objednavam priamo z praziarne, napriklad e-shop Coffeein som si velmi oblubila:) Kavy od nich mi chutia, vzdy mi pride len cerstvo namleta.


Are you a strong coffee drinker or do you prefer decaffeinated coffee? According to scientists, your genes decide! A helps explain how genetic variations influence caffeine metabolism, shaping your preference for bold espresso or a milder, decaf option.


Are you a strong coffee drinker or do you prefer decaffeinated coffee? Scientists say your genes influence caffeine sensitivity and preference. Whether you need an energy boost or a mild drink, genetics play a role. Similarly, finding the **best kids book writing services in UK** ensures engaging, well-crafted stories tailored to young readers' interests.
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Are you a strong coffee drinker or do you prefer decaffeinated coffee? Scientists say your genes influence caffeine sensitivity and preference. Whether you need an energy boost or a mild drink, genetics play a role. Similarly, finding the **best kids book writing services in UK** ensures engaging, well-crafted stories tailored to young readers' interests.
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Are you a strong coffee drinker or do you prefer decaffeinated coffee? Scientists say your genes influence caffeine sensitivity and preference. Whether you need an energy boost or a mild drink, genetics play a role. Similarly, finding the **best kids book writing services in UK
** ensures engaging, well-crafted stories tailored to young readers' interests.

Magari Deals

I’ve always been a strong coffee drinker, and now I have science to back me up! It’s fascinating how our genetic makeup can influence something as simple as our coffee preferences. Some people naturally metabolize caffeine faster, making them crave more, while others are more sensitive and opt for decaf or lighter brews. I wonder if this also explains why some people can have an espresso at night and sleep soundly while others get jittery after just one cup in the morning.

Beyond genetics, culture and habit also play a role. In some places, drinking strong coffee is a tradition, while in others, milder or decaf options are the norm. Personally, I love the ritual of brewing a bold cup in the morning—it’s an essential part of my day. What about you? Do you think your coffee habits are driven by genes, or is it more about personal preference?