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Vianočný stromček: podľa čoho vyberať, ako ho správne skladovať a starať sa oň, aby vydržal počas celých sviatkov?


No akože my mu takisto nevenujeme nejakú zvlúštnu pozornosť :D Tam ho hodím do krabice a je tam celý rok :D


Choosing a fresh Christmas tree and keeping it well-watered ensures it remains beautiful throughout the holidays. For managing holiday events, BulkCalendar www.bulkcalendar.com simplifies scheduling with automated invites and detailed analytics earn more here. www.bulkcalendar.com


Choosing a fresh Christmas tree and keeping it well-watered ensures it remains beautiful throughout the holidays. For managing holiday events, BulkCalendar www.bulkcalendar.com simplifies scheduling with automated invites and detailed analytics earn more here. www.bulkcalendar.com


Love the Christmas tree care tips! For a techy twist, Scalent (Golang devs) can build a custom Xmas light controller app! Schedule lights, create dazzling effects, all from your phone! #scalent #christmastech


Love the Christmas tree care tips! For a techy twist, (Golang devs) can build a custom Xmas light controller app! Schedule lights, create dazzling effects, all from your phone! #scalent #christmastech


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