Náhle zlepšenie povedomia

Príspevok v téme: Náhle zlepšenie povedomia

Za posledných pár týždňov som zaznamenal náhle zlepšenie v tom, čo sa dá opísať iba ako celkové vedomie / zameranie vo vízii. Ťažko sa to dá opísať, ale v zásade platí, či už ide o šport (futbal, stolný tenis), alebo len tak sadám a rozprávam sa s niekým, pričom mám pocit, že moje zameranie je na túto činnosť alebo osobu veľmi zvýšené. Je to dobrý pocit, zvlášť pre niekoho, pre koho je niekedy ťažké sústrediť sa pri čítaní alebo robení vecí, s ktorými by som zvyčajne zápasil.

Je mi 30 rokov, muž, nemám psychické ani fyzické zdravie a ťažko som hľadal čokoľvek, keď hľadám veci, ktoré by to mohli spôsobiť.

Zaujíma vás, či už o tom niekto počul alebo vie, čo by s tým mohlo byť spojené alebo spôsobiť to?


Co rozumies pod slovom ,,povedomie,, ?

Over the last few weeks, I have seen a sudden improvement in what can only be described as overall awareness / focus in the vision. It's hard to describe, but it's basically true, whether it's a sport (football, table tennis), or just sets and talking to someone, and I feel that my focus on this activit y or person is very increased. It's a good feeling, especially for someone who sometimes finds it difficult to concentrate on reading or doing things I would normally struggle with. I am 30 years old, man, I have no mental or physical health and I have had a hard time looking for anything when looking for things that could cause it. 192168ll.red 19216801.cc


Co rozumies pod slovom ,,povedomie,, ?

Over the last few weeks, I have seen a sudden improvement in what can only be described as overall awareness / focus in the vision. It's hard to describe, but it's basically true, whether it's a sport (football, table tennis), or just sets and talking to someone, and I feel that my focus on this activit y or person is very increased. It's a good feeling, especially for someone who sometimes finds it difficult to concentrate on reading or doing things I would normally struggle with. I am 30 years old, man, I have no mental or physical health and I have had a hard time looking for anything when looking for things that could cause it. [url=forum.zdravie.sk]