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Štúdium VŠ

Príspevok v téme: Štúdium VŠ

Ahojte,som študentka strednej školy a rozmýšľam nad tým,kde by som išla ďalej študovať. Keďže ma veľmi baví biológia a chémia, tak by som chcela ísť na zdravotníctvo-konkrétne dermatológiu. Chcela by som vás poprosiť či by ste mi neodporučili nejakú dobrú školu. Ďakujem za každú radu.


For a thorough analysis and correction of verb use in writing, see the Verb Checker website. This tool helps guarantee that verbs are utilized appropriately in terms of tense, form, and agreement with subjects, which is very helpful for authors, students, and language instructors. For writing that is understandable and grammatically correct, proper verb usage is essential, which makes this tool an invaluable resource for anybody trying to get better at writing. www.verbchecker.com


Sentence Identifier is an online tool designed to assist writers in analyzing and improving their sentence structures. It's ideal for students, educators, and professionals who seek to enhance the clarity and coherence of their writing by ensuring sentences are grammatically sound and effectively constructed. www.sentenceidentifier.com


Passive Voice Checker is an online tool designed to identify and correct passive voice usage in writing. This tool is particularly useful for writers and editors aiming to make their writing style more active and engaging, or for specific contexts where passive voice is less desired. www.passivevoicechecker.com


Colon Checker is an online tool focused on assisting writers in the correct use of colons. It's especially beneficial for those looking to enhance their punctuation skills, ensuring colons are used accurately to introduce lists, quotes, or to emphasize a point. This tool aids in maintaining the clarity and effectiveness of writing. useful reference


The Preposition Checker on Preposition Finder is a targeted tool that helps users utilize prepositions correctly in their writing. It solves one of the most prevalent grammatical problems by guaranteeing proper use of prepositions, especially in complicated sentences where the meaning depends on their placement. This checker is a priceless tool for anybody trying to express ideas precisely and concisely while avoiding the typical mistakes caused by misusing prepositions. www.prepositionfinder.com


Hello! Place commas correctly in your text with our free tool. Our assistant has been helping students and writers deal with punctuation in their text and improve it for many years. Our tool allows you to correct texts quickly and easily. Try it right now and be surprised by the results! www.commacheck.net


Hello. For individuals who are learning English as a second language (ESL), writing can be a challenging endeavor. Sentence fragments are a common error for ESL learners, as they may not be fully familiar with English sentence structure. A sentence fragment checker can serve as an invaluable aid in improving ESL writing skills. It not only identifies fragments but also provides explanations and suggestions, facilitating the learning process and helping ESL writers enhance their command of the English language. Here you can try it on your own: www.sentencefragmentchecker.com